Toshiya Kabayashi toont in '33 33', expositie t.g.v. de verjaardag van PHŒBUS•Rotterdam 28 januari 2023:
Toshiya Kabayashi, "Those never say anything-leaves", 2005, groene acryl op foto, 12,5 x 17,5 cm

Toshiya Kobayashi, beschilderde foto's, elk 13 x 18 cm.

Toshiya Kobayashi, 'Landscape in the Mist', 2003-2005, foto's [31a, 32a, 33a, 18a], elk 50 x 75 cm.

Toshiya Kobayashi, 'Those who never say anything', 2001, olieverf en acryl/linnen, elk 70 x 53 x 3 cm.
When I gaze closely at waterweeds, which will continue to waver inside a water tank till they wither, I cannot stop myself from feeling pity toward them. Waterweeds can do nothing but exist in their fixed spots where the water never flows until they die. 'Do waterweeds have dreams?, dreams about the universe they have never seen?' To this I would anwer no, but they possess a great universe within there internal worlds. Gazing at waterweeds allows me to become concious about the universe and about my own self. "
Toshiya Kobayashi, 2001